two people entering lake to swim
two people entering lake to swim

5 Top Tips For Lake Swimming In Spring

Written by Lydia Burdett /

Spring is almost here, which means it’s time to start taking advantage of the longer days and (hopefully) warmer weather. Lake swimming is a fantastic activity to unwind and relax in a way that offers numerous health benefits at the same time. However, as with any outdoor activity that requires a sense of adventure, it’s always sensible to make sure you know what you’re doing, the equipment you need and the potential risks to be aware of  - it never hurts to be prepared. With this in mind, these are our top 5 tips for swimming in a lake during the springtime.

Don’t Go Alone

It’s always wise (and a lot more fun) to go lake swimming with a group. This is one of our most important tips for swimming in a lake, as being able to watch out for each other in case of an emergency can be life-saving, especially when there’s an absence of lifeguards. And if nothing else, lake swimming with a group of friends is a much more exciting communal experience than going alone.

Be Cautious Of Hazards

Naturally, there are bound to be hazards to be avoided while lake swimming. Lakes are often fairly shallow, and lake beds tend to be unstable, which is why diving is a very poor idea unless you’re absolutely certain that the lake offers the depth for it. Other hazards include but aren’t limited to boats, which are fairly common on lakes. It’s important to make sure to recognise and avoid any dangers you spot before you go lake swimming.

Check The Weather

Even with the weather starting to warm up, spring can be wildly unpredictable. So make sure you’re not going lake swimming unprepared for spring weather conditions. It’s generally advised that you don’t head out during strong winds or heavy rainfall, as this causes rapidly changing water conditions that could potentially make swimming unsafe. Additional debris and higher water levels can be the cause of dangerous accidents, so make sure you’re keeping an eye on the weather when lake swimming in spring.

Warm Up Properly After Lake Swimming

Don’t be caught out by the presence of the sun in springtime, the water will still be cold and you must take precautions to warm up properly after lake swimming. The illusive after-drop can mean that you’ll get colder over time after getting out of the water, so it’s really important to begin the process of warming up as soon as you leave the water. It’s also a good idea to supplement your warm clothes with a hot drink or a bit of physical activity to help your body warm up as quickly as possible. A Red Original Pro Change Robe Evo and Voyager Beanie are perfect pieces of kit for managing this transition back to being on land,  being both easy to change into and great for warming up. You’ll also thank yourself if you keep a warm drink in your insulated bottle back in the car or one of the many compartments in your Adventure Backpack

Get The Right Gear

The last of our tips for swimming in a lake is to ensure you’re bringing the right gear. You’ll need to make sure you’re prepared for the variety of weather conditions that come with spring. You may feel more comfortable using a wetsuit as this will offer the most protection against potential cold weather, though many prefer to swim in cold water without a wetsuit. It’s ultimately your decision, but if you do opt for just a swimming costume then it is vital that you follow our previous advice and take suitable steps to make sure that you warm up once you’ve exited the lake.

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